The Best Multiplayer Shooter in the market. A fun and Addictive game, simply one of the best of its genre.

User Rating: 9.5 | Team Fortress 2 PC
A few years ago, I used to play this fun game called Team Fortress Classic. TFC is a simple Team-Based Multiplayer Shooter which is massively fun. One day, Valve Corporation announced there was a sequel in the making. Years have passed since the first announcement, and when all hope was lost ( Kind of like Duke Nukem Forever) Team Fortress 2 was released in a bundle called "The Orange Box"

Team Fortress 2 sticks to it's roots, presenting us with the 9 original classes. This 9 Classes are divided into three groups, or sections, being The Offense, The Defense and The Support Team. ( Just like in Football, instead of The Kicking team you have Support Team ) The classes being Scout, Pyro, Soldier from the Offense, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer from the defense , and for the support team we have the Medic, the Sniper, and last but not least the Deadly Spy.

Each class has it's own strengths and weakness. For example the Heavy, has a powerful Minigun, Giant amount of hit points ( Does this means being fat you have more HP? ) , simply he might be one of the most deadliest classes in close quarters combat. Yet he is the slowest class of all and not so good in long range, but thanks to the Engineer, who can create buildings to help it's teammates, he can use the teleport and so travel faster from A to B point. Each Class is a whole different game, so when you buy Team Fortress you are actually buying 9 games. It is not like other Shooters, where you have to do the same thing over and over ( No I'm not talking about Counter Strike... Or am I? ) and unlike many games, more Classes doesn't mean more weapons. More Classes means more ways to help the team achieve the goal. The Victory! Each class possesses 3 Different Weapons. I will give again the example of the Heavy. You have a Primary Weapon which is a Powerful mini gun, a Secondary Weapon which is a Shotgun, and finally The Fists. On The other hand the engineer has a Wrench Tool, a Pistol, a Shotgun, and the Ability to create powerful Sentry Guns that will Shoot on sight. There many different sets of weapons so just try TF2 because you will never regret it.

When you think of it, the weapons... They are always the same, where is the fun on that? But here comes Valve, they keep releasing from time to time Updates, in which we get new unlockable Weapons ( The Sandvich for the Heavy, or the Jarate for the Sniper, and many others ) it brings new maps, new achievements and maybe in the future new game modes? Basically with every update, we receive a new way to win the game. We get more choices, and more freedom. Hell with each new Update we get a new game to add to those 9 we already got.

This game being made on Valve's Source Engine, it grants us, the user, the ability to use free tools released by Valve, and create our very own maps, and game modifications. So even if Valve never released updates for the game, the growing Modding community would give us that pleasure of enhancing the game. Some user maps might become official and be added to the Valve's update, so try and make your epic maps and who knows maybe you can get a job at valve? ( of course after that you had to wake up and go back to whatever you do )

When Valve first announced the TFC sequel, and the first early designs, it was one boring, realistic shooter. But now? Team Fortress 2 presents us with absolutely amazing graphical design. It brings us comic relief into video games. Hey you, yes you gentlemen, over there on the other side of the screen, Aren't you tired of defusing the bomb every single time? Come and Play Team Fortress 2, because we must push little kart. And for the first 10 players we provide you with "the Heavy Sandvich" for free*.

All in all Team fortress is a Fun Game, that requires a lot of Teamwork and Cooperation, and the best way to get the best experience is play in Clan based Servers or with friends (That is if you have any :D ). Graphically the game is simple, and doesn't require much from a computer. It possesses a great Soundtrack, which is always fun to listen, great voice acting for the classes, Lots of Maps, Classes, and Game Modes, Yet it stays balanced. In the end even if you play with the Deadly Spy, or the Lethal Sniper, you always get a fun time, a whole different experience.

Note: The heavy can kill you by pointing his finger at you and yell "BANG!"


+ Fun, Addictive Gameplay
+ Comical Relief
+ Balanced Gameplay
+ Appealing Visuals
+ Great Soundtrack
+ Competitive Multiplayer
+ Cheap Standalone Version.


- Bad Team Cooperation May Lead In Fail.
- Errr What else do you put in Here?
- Spy Sappin My Review!!!

Final Score 9.5/10

*Sandvich is VAT free, and shipping not included.