From Japan comes a new rhythm game, with original gameplay, a bargain price, and lots of Japanese flavor!
Technic Beat is like a rhythm/action game. The player(s) take control of a character and move them around am enclosed square arena and try to keep up with the beats of the music. The bats, notes, and melody of the music are represented by circles that appear on the ground in the arena. The [;ayer taps the square button when another circle that grows from the middle when the two circles collide. You move around and activate the circles with good timing and basically you get a better score, and if you achieve the clear level, you beat that sound (ala Dance Dance Revolution, and other rhythm games). But it's not as simple as it seems when you start playing the harder levels (there are eight levels in all).
With eight levels of difficulty, you'll ned to master advance techniques, like moving the circles to create combos, using your super moves and finding the quickest route to each note. What's really cool, is you can modify the notes, their pitch, their placement, when you activate them in combos, it really helps to create your own original beat to the song, which makes gameplay more enjoyable. These techniques will need to be mastered, if one hopes to take on the very high difficulty levels - as they can be insane to play!
The music in Technic Beat is fun for the most part. It includes original sounds, mostly Japanese style influenced, along with a over two dozen Namco classic remixed tunes - which will bring back memories for older gamers. Some songs have remixed tracks in higher difficulty levels. All in all this game has a HUGE play list, with about 85 songs; it easily rivals most rhythm game's lists.
Graphics in the game don't break any achievements, but they are decent. the psychedelic colors, and 3d spaces, with kooky characters aids to the enjoyable experience. They may not be earth shattering in aweness, but the do fit the game.
Technic Beat offers a lot of different modes: Arcade mode, free mode, challenge, channel, certification modes, and more. It even offers 2 player support - with 2 characters on screen it can be loads of fun. The game offers 8 difficulty song levels, around ten different modes, unlockable content, plus three difficulty styles.
With it's huge song list, new style gameplay, and chaos, Technic Beat is a bargain buyer's dream. It's made to be fun, and to last. It might notwin any aards, but with all these sequalish rhythm games going around, it's nice to see something new, that's at a "must get" price.