Tecmo Bowl on the Wii will have you reliving gaming football as it was played 17 years ago. That's definitely worth $5.
Defense is pretty simple: choose the play you think the computer will make. However, there is more to it than this. If you choose incorrectly (believe me this is common), you need to find another way of stopping the offense... And if you can't do it in time, expect a touch down that's not in your favor. Another problem with defense is the slow running and transition to fast. If you are trying to catch a receiver, you run at a seemingly below normal pace, but if you're trying to get a player with a lead, you just hold down the direction pad in one direction and are able to sprint at the speed of a train. It's obviously not perfect, as it's obviously not a new and touched up game. However, this doesn't stop it from being incredible rewarding and fun, especially stopping an offense or intercepting a pass - the greatest thing in football games ever.
Offense is similar in play choosing, but what makes this game great is the variation in teams - something before its time. If you play as the L.A. raiders, you can run 60 yards or more at a time as the infamous Bo Jackson, if you succeed in your play. This kind of thing is just awesome, I could do this all day. Another thing is the difference in plays and players between teams... Although it is a little disappointing that you can't see the player's names. For some reason you always receive in the beginning, making it frustrating to play later in the game, around the second half, if you are close to a touch down. Still, the awesomely simple and responsive controls make offense a great experience, just be careful with your passing!
Music and sound in this game is limited, but that doesn't stop it from adding a little nostalgia and smoothness to the overall fun. It's a basic loop being played, which changes depending on the game situation. The voices coming from the narrator such as the "hut hut hike" or "touchdown!" are slightly comedic, and don't seem to get old. However, the graphics for the touchdowns (which run slower than anything, it seems) are painful after the 1st time seeing them. If only Nintendo had thought to add a skip button in these scenes, only then would this be considered a nice touch. There is a brief graphic for the halftime show in the game, (thankfully you can skip this) which is also interesting one time.
Graphics are um... Let's just say, if you have a Wii, you probably aren't going to invest in a 17 year old game for its graphics. Sparing you another 3 paragraphs on the kinks and details, I will just say this: Tecmo Bowl is the best $5 game on the VC, and if you enjoy old games, football, or just having fun, it's the perfect buy. You don't really think about the minor shortcomings of the game like the absence of player names or run-on graphics, all you can think about is the next play to choose and the best way to win. It's a great time for you and a friend, or if you'd like to play against a computer, that is rewarding as well. I had only heard rumors of greatness about the Tecmo Sports series, and when I tried this game out, the rumors were confirmed.