Proof that "generic" doesn't always equate to "bad."

User Rating: 7.6 | Aqutallion SNES
First off, it's important that the reader knows that the game has a villain named Badbad that turns townfolk into dogs. Now, just stop and think about that for a second.

That said, this is actually a fun little RPG. It is your typical young man's right-of-passage story, where you have to gather together allies to save the world from certain doom. There's nothing special you can really pin down about it. The gameplay is simple without being overly boring, the graphics are cheap but not hideously so. And the music is surprisingly good (has a Baroque-sound to it, oddly enough). It also employs a somewhat unique 2-party system, each with its own members and overworld and battle musics. Snazzy, eh? Don't get too excited. Your secondary doesn't get much use, and is really only there to give an illusion of depth and force you to switch to get to a certain area. Overall, it is highly generic, but definitely a fun little romp that takes you back to the golden age of gaming (ironically this game was behind the times when it was RELEASED, so you're really going back). I would recommend it to the RPG nut, old school nut, and semi-classical-video-game-music nut.