a huge let dowm

User Rating: 4.3 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus XBOX
tmnt battle nexus was very disporting to me i am a hugh fan of the classics games an also the tv shows this game was very slow and slugglish the enemy ai where not very smart i mean your right next to them an sometimes they dont attack or they attack in groups knocking you out very easy another problem the camera you cant control it or zoom in or out leaving you with the whorst view ever the cel-shaded is a little mediocre it looks like the first tmnt game and also the characters shout out the same phrase every 30 seconds just like the first game the anly thing that was good adout this game is the multi-player and the arcade tmnt game thats about it do yourself a favor save your money becaues this game is not worth it trust me