This game was intensionally designed to follow in the footsteps of the old style teenage mutant ninja turtles games. It has the same brawl features and it is very easy to learn how to play. Once you start out playing, it's a lot of fun. Just going around killing people after people after people, but then you keep doing the same thing through another level and another level with little or no difference in interaction. Once you start to get towards the middle of the game, it can get awfully boring. There are a few things put throughout the game to move it along a little better though and you can slightly "level up" your turtles as you go through the game. It gives a little incentive to the play the game more than once since you have to get every turtles to that portion in the game to be able to level them up. I don't think it was a good idea to not allow you to "attack jump" until you've leveled up your character the first time though. This got pretty irritating when a friend came over and we were trying to play the upper levels together and he was using a "non-leveled" turtle. For the rating, the gameplay is a good, but not great, and ends up getting very old. The graphics are very clean and it adds a great deal of enjoyment to the game. It's actually a very nice looking game. The sound can get very low quality, definitely nothing special in this department. The overally value of the game is definitely worth playing, but to a lot of people, probably not worth buying, although I like having my copy. The tilt on the game is an overall good.
Other Helpful Reviews for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The good: Combos are sweet, cut-scenes fit nicely in the game, great graphics, challenging bosses and loads of levels. The bad: Stupid AI, repetetive enemies, weak music audio, camera is a real pain in most levels, few ... Read Full Review
Graphics: Personally, I would have prefered a more darker and serious tone for the graphics, but since this is almost all based on the 2000 series of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it does fit. The characters' animations l... Read Full Review