Time has been good to a timeless classic. Now if only we still accepted games that rocked the SNES standards.
Re-shelled is in no way a great game, but to knock it for the same reasons it was idolized for when it was first released is pushing the envelope of mild hypocrisy. This really is a game for those who like TMNT and like to watch them win. Like Fatal Fury and Streets of Rage before it, Turtles IV wowed with the completely mundane. If that is a problem for you, you probably won't like the remake.
There are changes, of course, and not all of them good...of course. Hoverboard levels stopped being fun, the Turtles themselves seem horribly unbalanced all of a sudden (my poor Donny), and the broken system of "Hit, hit, hit, run away, hit, hit, hit, run away" makes this game horribly easy now that technology allows for instant response times. (And a pox on them for using the Arcade version instead of the SNES. No Technodrome level :( with the "throwing practice" boss is sad.)
But as a "beat 'em up," this game doesn't do half bad. For a minor investment (only an hour), Re-shelled is still fun to play a few times through...then probably ignore for a few months and play again, just as many of us did with our ROMs...errr..."copies of the game that we saved for a decade...honest."