A really fun classic TMNT game that is even better then the modern ones.

User Rating: 10 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time SNES
Man, I love playing this game. It is so much fun and hardly boring. This was the golden age for TMNT turtles when it was fun to play the old arcade games and SNES games. This keeps me from thinking too much of the modern TMNT.

The gameplay is pretty awesome. It is not that hard of a game to play, depending on what difficulty level you play. The controls work a whole lot better then the modern TMNT games. It was kind of neat how the evil ninjas pop out in secret hiding spots. I liked the 21st century level when you ride on hoverboards things. The gameplay is just perfect in it and makes it better with another player.

The graphics look really good in the game. Sure they are on the pixelated side, but heck it is a SNES game. The level design looks so sweet in the game. The animations run very smoothy in the game, unlike the modern TMNT games. my favorite level design is the 21st century level, the lights and everything in it look so beutiful.

The sould is great in the game. The music is pretty sweet to listen too, not like the looping soundtrack in the crappy modern TMNT games. The sounds are pretty interesting to here, old school but still works. I like it that the turtles don't repeat any lines too often at all. The moden TMNT games, the turtles keep repeating really bad dialog lines and drives you crazy. In this game they only say them in certain points, which is good. All in all, the sound works nicely.

The value, pretty much a keeper if you can find a copy on ebay or something. It is just nice to hang on to this great game even you have beaten it, you can always play with your friends.