Actually a good NES game but really tough to beat
There's total of five levels in game (plus technodrome) where the player moves around map and enters sewers or houses where the gameplay changes into side-scrolling. Especially when playing the game first time it can be hard to navigate your way to the next stage since there's a lot of houses which have dead ends and no actual purpose, so they only drain your health away. Some enemies and bosses are familiar from series, but then there's also lot of random stuff going on which is actually normal for an old NES game. You can switch between the four turtles anytime you want, and each has their own weapon and life-bar. Donatello's bo-staff is most powerful and has longest range, while rafaello's sais are shortest and basicly useless so I ended up using him as a meat-shield.
The controls are good for NES, but some of the houses/sewers have jumps which are made way too hard, and failing these jumps may take you all the way back outside and you'll have to start back from the beginning.
Sometimes the difficulty is simply too hard, and the best strategy is to rush through the enemies taking hits instead of fighting and moving carefully like normal. A good example is the underwater level where the one screen is full of electric sea-plants. (everybody who has played the game knows what i mean) There's no point of going slowly because then you just end up taking too much damage. You may find pizzas which restore health and sometimes throwing weapons like ninja stars with limited ammo.
Overall the game is fun but way too hard which makes the gameplay experience worse. If you keep playing you will remember the right routes and become good at it but it's still very challenging.There could have been option to choose difficulty level since the game can get so frustrating at the last levels, and nothing sucks more than making it inside technodrome and realizing that you don't have any more continues left.