10 Years Later... I still can't put it down... I just have one question for you... CAN YOU FEEL THE TWAH!?!
Let's start with the story. This was the first of the series to really focus on the story, considering that Namco realized how big the game was. My boy Kazzy has defeated his (lowlife, trashbag) father, Heihachi in the first tournament. So Kaz has thrown winghead off the same cliff he was dropped off of as a child, (hence the scar) and taken control of the Mishima Zaibatsu... 2 years later, its found out that the old man survived the fall, and now Kazzy, his powers enhanced by an unknown entity (he's blue, da ba di, da ba die), announces the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 2.
The controls are top notch. For the PS1, controls didn't get any better than this game. Add in a load of new moves for each fighter and 10-Hit strings for the super experts to totally beat down on the newbies with, and you've got yourself a great control scheme for a fighter.
The graphics were great for the PS1's capabilities. They far surpassed the original game.
The soundtrack was the most memorable for the entire series. From Jun Kazama's Morning Fields to Kazuya's Emotionless Passion, these tracks will play through your mind constantly to the point that you're humming them through your local Wal-Mart involuntarily. (trust me on that one.) And who can forget the 2nd most popular fighting game catchphrase of alltime? TWAH!
This is the best fighting experience on the PS1, and if you haven't played it... I truly pity you.