So far, this is the most visually impressive fighting game on the PSP. Be very entertained.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tekken: Dark Resurrection PSP
I'm a non-Tekken fan but I'm definitely a fan of full CGI cinematics and this is one of the best-looking fighting games in the PSP so far. With the sate-of-the-art in-game 3D graphics and full-blown CGI movies, Tekken: Dark Resurrection is a role model to boast the hardware capabilities of the PSP. Even if you're not a fighting game fan, you may want to try this title out just for the sake of the CGI stuff.

It doesn't matter if you suck at this genre cos you can just spam the beginner mode to get through quickly to unlock all the cinematics. One other cool feature of this title is the many modes available, including mini games like bowling. Yah, with the Tekken characters of course. Sincerely, I enjoyed myself very much whacking the last boss silly via the beginner's mode just to unlock the sweet CGI movies and these bonus mini games.

At a reduced price for one of PSP's Greatest Hits, Tekken:DR is definitely worth a buy for any PSP owner.
