This is a review from a casuel gammer and not from a fighting game fan.This game rocks

User Rating: 9.1 | Tekken: Dark Resurrection PSP
To start this up the game is like Tekken 5 for the ps2 except that it has 2 new charecters and more. And its pordable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok first of I gave the gameplay a 9 . You use the dpad to mave your charecter around and the buttons for your attachs. Each one of the buttons with shapes on them is asighned to a limb of your charecter. Like the square controlls your right hand and the triangle controls your left. same with the legs except with x ond o . These are very tight controls and work very well.It takes a little time to learn how to play this game but a longe time to master.You can also use the psps thumb stick , but it deosnt feel right and not very responsive. I gave the graphics a 10. This game looks awsum for the psp. Theres alot of awsum detale in the charecters . Even when you knock someone down it breaks part of the areana wich looks realy cool. I gave the sound an 8 because it dose get repeditive. Even if it does the sound is very awsum and helps the flowingness of the game. This game is only 40 bucks and probably the best psp so far on the market.Thats why I gave the value a 9.There are 10 modes in this game which are:quick battle,story battle,arcade battle,network(which you can play against your friends through add hawk),dojo mode(wich is where you will fight ai profiles that react differantly and have different skillls. It also tells your fighting stile.),attach , practice,bonus games(which includes tekken bowling and other fun di8stractions)profile(wich are your records),and theater (wich you can wach game movies). Overall tekken Dark Resurection is an awsum game that should belong in your psp collection. There is just so much to do in this game itll last you for ever. Its very good for short bursts or long sit downs. Well i hope you like the game , I highly recomend it . Sighning of CmdrMCLinkses