The IRON FIST is back!
Many characters have returned for this outing and three new characters have joined the already brilliant roster of fighters. The arcade mode of the game allows the player to choose their next opponent for a fight and lets them choose customisations for their favourite characters for example Kazuya can be given devil wings as a customisation.
This gives the arcade a more unique experience which the players can enjoy more because of it. All the other modes such as time attack and survival as well as some new ones are present in this game as well as excellent multiplayer.
One of the things which make Tekken 5 such as memorable game is its sense of humour. Many of the characters endings are so ridiculous they will just make you laugh because of the humour in them.
The graphics in Tekken 5 Are phenomenal. This is clearly shown in the opening sequence. (which in personal opinion is one of the best of all time)Everything from the heat wash from a fire to a stream water all look astonishing when considering the power of the play station 2.
The sound of Tekken 5 is brilliant and many of the stage tracks suit the fighting area perfectly.
Its hard to find any flaws in Tekken 5 as it has been done with absolute perfection and to summarise I strongly suggest anyone with a PS2 to purchase this game as it is one of the best games of the Play station 2 ever.