Tekken: DR is definitely a killer app for the PSP...but, there is some bad to go with the amazing good.

User Rating: 8.4 | Tekken: Dark Resurrection PSP
The Good -

This is without a doubt a must buy for anyone with a PSP. Its definitely a full on Tekken game with question. Namco got the controls, the beautiful sounds, amazing graphics for stages, and characters, and tons of options all on the UMD. This is one of the games on the PSP that is worth every penny you will spend on it. Also all of the characters are unlocked and ready to go when you first start playing making this a game that will be playable on the go. While this does take some of the fun out of unlocking the bonus characters

The Bad -

Its almost an exact port of Tekken 5 on the PS2. The stages, and everything else, so its a port which isn't bad but, I was definitely hoping for a all new Tekken experience and not one that is almost the same as the one I can get when I boot it up on my PS2. I wish there were more than just the 2 new characters. Dragnov is nice addition to the Tekken universe. Lili doesn't seem to come across any different than any other female cardboard cutout characters.

Most of the bad is nitpicking I suppose. But if there is one major fault for Tekken: DR is that its more or less a port of the PS2's Tekken 5 with some bonus characters, and modes. But, considering Tekken 5 was a homerun thats not necessarily a bad thing.