My favorite PSP game to date. Best graphics on the PSP, great fighting action on any platform, and fun mini games.

User Rating: 9.7 | Tekken: Dark Resurrection PSP
Tekken: Dark Ressurection is one of the most addicting PSP games ever made. I always check Gamespots review before buying a game, and right now i have GTA:LCS, SOCOM and Dark Mirror, all of which were really fun, but none of them compare to Tekken. First of all, it is ridiculousy addictive.
i played it until 2 in the morning and then i couldnt fall asleep for an hour because it was still thinking about it. you can play it over and over and over and theres so much to do with the minigames, the dojos, each characters story, quick battle and many others. Also, its one of the few PSP games to have game sharing, where i linked up w/ my friend who doesnt have the game and sent him some files (which took like 30 seconds to download) and then we were both fighting each other wirelessly), and then let the pwnage of me>him begin. The graphics are awesome (for a PSP game, which is actually really good, even though pc>all), the multiplay is a blast, but some attacks are kind of cheap when you try to execute complex commands and the other guy wins by pressing circle, the movies are cool and fun to unlock, customizing the characters is fun (but 500,000 to shave his head? lol), the music is cool and fun to play to, and theres so much more to do that gives this game so much value for only $46+tax (what i paid). my only beef with the game is that some commands are hard to execute (damn PSP controls) and too complex to remember, but thats nothing for a game so addictive and entertaining i spend 80% of my gaming time playing. If you're worried that its just a street fighter-ish fightng game and thats not your thing, which was what i was thinking, dont be. this game pwns all PSP games so hard it beats their asses 7 different shades of red.