You owe it to yourself to get this game...

User Rating: 9 | Tekken 5 PS2
Fast paced fighting action, beautiful visuals and bone-shattering blows - Even if your not a fighting game fan, Tekken 5 is a highly recommendable game.

Tekken 5 is not a game I would consider to fit into my comfort zone of platformers and shooters, so even hearing such great things about the title, I was skeptical about whether or not I would like it. Fortunately for me and other button mashers, the game has a good range of difficulties.

The game features plenty of modes to satisfy; a story mode; an arcade mode; a time attack mode; a survival mode; a team battle mode; practise mode; and then if you get tired of those, the game still features the arcade modes of Tekken 2+3, and a campaign mode; titled the Devil Within.

Of course; I chose the easiest difficulty, and started mucking around in arcade mode with different characters; which I forgot to mention, but there are also an abundance of fighters.

After half an hour of playing, I had worked out the basics. Movement was a little annoying to get used to with the D-Pad instead the Analog sticks which I'm used to. Triangle and Square fires of a Right and Left punch respectively, while Circle and X launches a kick with either the Right or Left leg.

By combing these buttons together, you can manage to string some spectacular and powerful combos together or even grabs, which look fantastic.

Each of the fighters all have their own unique combos, and by playing through the story mode you realise they also have their own back story and end movie. Many character from previous games return while new cast members like the ninja Raven (my personal favorite) make awesome additions. If you get tired of seeing the same old characters, you can breathe some new life into them by purchasing character costumes and wearable items.

The game itself looks superb. The character models are detailed, and the stunning scenery is candy for your eyes. There is even a good range of it to keep every fight feeling slightly different.

Not only does the game look amazing, it also sounds just as good. Bone crunching sound effects and really good character voices compliment the game well, and if you don't understand the characters language, there are even subtitles.

The game is especially fun with a friend over, and its just a shame the game doesn't support online play.

The visuals and the sheer amount of content of Tekken 5 make it a game well worth owning, and one that you will come back to again, and again, and again.