Only for the Hardcore...
So i decided i needed to dedicate some time to learning their system via the "Fight lab", which is entertaining, and does do a good job of instructing you how to play most efficiently, but alas i was unable to complete that as well. The difficulty lies in your reaction time. If you can't react within 1/10 of a second, the AI punishes you.
At the very least they should have included some algorithm that notices if you're continuously getting beat down after several attempts- to lower the difficulty by giving you more time to react or by decreasing the opponent's juggle fest, which it decides string together moves that keep you in the air until you're dead and not allow you a chance to get out of it, (Yeah, that's on Easy difficulty).
On the good side of things, the graphics, sound, and gameplay is tight. They did add some nice elements and there are a ton of characters to choose from and customizations you can do to further the variety.
Get this game if you are one of those hardcore players that loves a challenge. If you're a casual or average player, - pass.