This game is the best tekken game in my eyes. I have had this game since it came out and just now decided to write a review on it. I just cant stop playing this game it is my favorite tekken game out of all the rest. Even the new ones. This game has a lot to it with the tag mode. It is always fun to play this game with friends. The sound, and graphics are great. The controls are not that hard to figure out and there is not specail moves that are impossible to figure out in this one. Most awesome moves can be done with two bottons have fun with this one its a great game i hope they make another tekken tag game in the near future.
Other Helpful Reviews for Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum)
Despite the game not actually being a sequel, Tekken Tag Tournament proves to be an easy favourite among PS2 fans. It takes every character, every move and a completely remastered graphics engine to really make fans pump... Read Full Review
Here it is... the 1st game I buyed for my PS2, I already had tekken 2 and 3 so I was really excited to know how this new tekken was. When I first saw the quantity or characters I got really happy, Tekken Tag features al... Read Full Review