This was the original Tekken which is surprisingly good but not very long.

User Rating: 7 | Tekken (Platinum) PS
What I mean by Tekken being short as I said before is that all you have in the game is Arcade Mode. You can only play as eight characters. Yes, you will unlock other new characters but mainly the new characters don't have endings.

The gameplay is okay, but it's just not something I would want to return to over and over again. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good game and it has really good multiplayer, but it's too short to be very addictive.

The graphics... now I know that it was 1995 when this game came out and graphics had not been developed to the extent they are now but Namco, I honestly think, could have done better because it didn't look quite right in the FMV sequences - sometimes the graphics make me laugh in some of the FMVs - sometimes when the character is supposed to be angry, they don't look it. Even though I know graphics is not the most important thing, it still kind of bothers me.

The music is very good, fits with the game's atmosphere and makes the levels feel more exciting. The sound effects of opponents getting attacked - Lee sounded like Kazuya at some points and Heihachi sounded like Jack at points.

OVERALL: This game is good at first when you play it for a few hours but then later it doesn't have a lot of replay value and gets boring fast.