Who thought bringing this back on the ds was a good idea. The first stealth game to hit the ds is a mess in every way. It looks ugely, its blockey, muddey, and every one looks blockey. You get two chariters to chose from but it hardly changes up the bad gameplay. Missions are either way to easey due to brain dead AI or will get you really angery and wanna make you throw your ds to a wall or something. They also begen to fell the same after a wile. Some might wonder with 40 missions is this a good thing? The storey is just as boring as the missions. The way the two chariters are presentid is blan and shows hardly nothing of them. Online play is a joke. A store is nothing and tradeing is near pointless sence you can get it your self or beat the game with out it. Multi player is alright. But nothing to get friends and play. The game is a mess from start to finish. The only parts that look good is the comic style cartoons. Music sounds garbeld and distrortid. it sounds like a score is trying to come out but often sounds li8ke looping one insterment music on a tap recorder. The is a mess from start to finish. Nothing can come out of this and make you wanna buy it. Theres tones of more games worth your money. Try star fox.
I think I will make this short, and to the point. This game sucks no-two-ways-about-it. On purchasing the game one immediately finds the game to be all about the title screen and no action or substance behind it. Qui... Read Full Review
Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is fairly simple and is easy to catch on to and master, which means that this title is quite easy difficulty wise. The controls work well, but a lot of people may be disappointed becau... Read Full Review