Why did I buy this!

User Rating: 3.5 | Tenchu: Dark Shadow DS
Repetitive,tedious, poorly exectued. Tenchu is an example of everything that's wrong with game development. What was an okay game on a phone is a terrible game on the DS if nothing's done to meet the capabilites of the console. Sure, the graphics are okay -- but they never change. The overhead view is frustrating. You never encounter more than 2 or 3 enemies at a time. There are 2 playable characters, but only the ninja is worth bringing out: the other's just token. Supposedly better at sneak attacks, she's really just weaker and useless. Item creation, one of the game's selling points, can save you coin and even earn you some, but the items are about as useful as that second player character. So why bother? This game has no interesting or redeeming qualities. And everyone who reviews it agrees. Rent it if you're curious -- but don't shell out the clams.