game theres alot to be said theres only one attack button the traps are useless then only time i use them is when im running away from the A.I. its kinda stupid how they cant see you even when its day light sound and the lighting affects dont really matter. all you have to know is to be behind them hmmmmm. what else (MONKEY BAWLS THIS GAME IS MONKEY BAWLS). welll its okay to play even when your bored *cough* dont buy this game ITS SUCKS RETARDED MONKEY BAWLS TO THE MAX FAWK! *cough* but all in all its better than a renee zelwiger movie. thats me choking on this game its so stupid its useless im tired of playing crappy ds games seriously tenchu used to be fun know its making me cry
I think I will make this short, and to the point. This game sucks no-two-ways-about-it. On purchasing the game one immediately finds the game to be all about the title screen and no action or substance behind it. Qui... Read Full Review
Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is fairly simple and is easy to catch on to and master, which means that this title is quite easy difficulty wise. The controls work well, but a lot of people may be disappointed becau... Read Full Review