Tenchu Dark Secret is a fun game for those that like feudal Japanese games, but for others it can be disappointing.
Graphics: The graphics in this game are average, but they could have been much better. The characters and traps are fairly well done, but the environment just looks sad. You can barely tell what you are walking on because of the pixelation and sometimes you can even over look and enemy on the top screen because he/she blends into the enviroment (like a ghoul on a rock level) which adds to the difficulty of the game slightly, but is mostly just annoying.
Sound: The sound in this game is good, but it's nothing new. The game uses sounds that work well with the action/enviroment/etc., and the voice overs are pretty cool, except for the bandit's death cry which sounds like something in french being muttered out through a burp.
Value: The value in this game is quite good and will give you a fun 15+ hours. For replay value, you are expected to start the game over after you beat it which allows you to carry over your equipment, recipes, etc. and play the game through again, which can be pretty fun if you wish to get a perfect score on each level.
Reviewer's Tilt: I found this game to be extremely fun from beginning to end. It has a good deal of replay value and a solid gameplay which creates an average stealth game which can provide countless hours of fun for anyone who enjoys sneaking around and killing people people ninja style. WARNING: this game is not necessarily for everyone, so unless you like ninja/assassin stuff i would recommend staying away from this title.