The game would proppley look better on N-Gage not DS. The game is disapointing.
User Rating: 4.8 | Tenchu: Dark Shadow DS
Tenchu games were my kind of Stleath games. But the DS version of Dark Secret is really disapointing for Tenchu fans. Main Story abour protecting a Princess called Princess **** who is completely ill but she get posessed by evil between war. You can play as Rikimaru or Ayame the levels and missions are abit repeated like protect the villege from the bad guys or kill all enimies all at once. It still has its weapons and items to attack or heal yourself, you can also create items as well instead of buying stuff from the shop. But the biggest letdown is the graphics they are really poor in the game looks alot like N-Gage graphics if you think about it. But you can connected with other players with Wi-Fi connection you can sell your items to players or multiplayer matches.
If your a Tenchu fan you will disapionted by this game so I wouldn't buy it for under £20. It will take you a few hours to finish you better of borrowing this game from someone.