Is isn't like it used to be.

User Rating: 6 | Tenchu 4 WII
Tenchu: Shadow Assassin for the Nintendo Wii is about feudal japan time where lots of conflict still going on. In the land of Lord Gohda, peace was never resolve and conflict still uprising. First you play as Rikimaru, a Azuma Ninja, doing some investigate sooner to find out someone planning to start a war on Lord Gohda. Second, you play Ayame, a ninja clan like Rikimaru, start off chasing the imposter fortune teller. During their journey, Rikimaru and Ayame found the real culprit. Rikimaru fought and defeated it, but in the process kill the princess in order to stop a upcoming war. The game is play with a Nunchuck and a Wiimote controller. At time it seems to frustrating to controll Rikimaru and Ayame when you want to do a specific action. Also if you got caught often, you start from the beginning but the guards and other ninjas you defeated stays down. Overall, this game is some times, frustrating and it might turn down long time fans of the series.

Gameplay: 5- Controlling Rikimaru and Ayame seem difficult at times.

Graphics: 7- Very decient and mostly take place at night time.

Sound: 8- Nice music when your sneeking around and voice acting seems good.

Value: 3- So dark, you can't see anything and fall into the pit.

Total Rating: 5.8