Unplayable. Yet again another Wii game ruined by terrible control gimmicks. Tenchu fans beware.

User Rating: 2 | Tenchu 4 WII
What a horrible game. Thats honestly the first thought that came to my mind when I started it up.

Graphics that may have been good over 5 years ago are immediately a dissappointment. As soon as you start the game you are greeted with a poorly done intro of in game graphics attempting to be an intro movie with terrible singing. From there the typical options screen with one major missing feature...no multi player!?! Tenchu 3 had it right, I don't know why they moved away from having 2 player options.

So moving on...you start the game, the same exact story as always greets you for the beginning stage goal: Kill the merchant. From there it just goes down hill....

The first really annoying thing youll find about Tenchu is the view point is not like any of the others, its from a semi first person view, similar to Resident Evil 4. Your perspective is irritatingly placed beside your character position so it feels like your character is in a constant strafe mode.

It gets worse...

The controls. You are greeted by a tutorial that is about to teach you how to play Tenchu the craptastic way...with the Wiimote. Damn Nintendo and their gimmicky requirements that all their games utilize that piece of garbage.

Your jump is crap, no more big jumps to get out of the way...its barely more than a one legged hop. You are always in a crouching position, so you cant run around either. Performing rolls is done by wildly shaking the Wiimote in random directions.

What in the world were they thinking, and how the hell has this game gotten an 8.8 average user review? There is no way any long time fans of the series enjoy this game, its totally unplayable.

The entire basis of the game is just sneaking up on an enemy to perform a take down move combo by again shaking the wiimote in different directions (because quite honestly, the sensitivity of the thing is so bad you cant perform anything accurately).

Just like the DS Tenchu game (which I pray no one here actually bought) this game is a complete and utter let down of garbage just brought out to utilize gimmicky, not fun controls on a console bent on ruining modern gaming.

I wish Activision would have never sold off the Tenchu name...no one else seems to grasp what Tenchu was supposed to be.