Disapointing game of the series, boring stealth and not much freedom. watch the review.
1. START: okay i just say one word BOORING, the game start with a great intro like ever, the menu are good graphicaly an 3 options can see you there.
im not going to profundise into options, just new game.
okey the game have a very good cinematics, very impressive graphics, good moves, but some is missing.
2. MISSIONS: okay if you are a fan, or just know about tenchu, is a stealth game with a fun freedom system (you can move wherever you like).
the main mission are like previous tenchu, fight against the bad people into shadows, you can see classic enemies like onicage here, is the only thing that makes you go far in game. (good history how ever).
2. FIGHTHING: the fighthing sys is when you can see more chances, now you can kill from variety of manners, into water, down a house, up something, from back, front or side. every one have a cool cinematic secuence. and 4 stiles for to kill. the items are like ever fine, ninja stars, swords, whater and more.
3. THE GAME: this is the part when miss something, the escence of tenchu is missing for bad way, now you haveto go for a linear way of the game, no much freedom is avaliable now, ever in shadows, and if someone see you, you finish disapearing in smoke and going to the star of game, or into a boring battle system (i think was made it for Wii version where change the camera to first person view and defend you for 5 strikes and strike for 5 and repeat, BOORING), not freedom in the fight sys, ok and the last and worse is you can be killed and have to repeat all the scenario.
ok, to where go the freedom, go into roofs, kill i shadows or front battles, the strategic game go to the infinity,now you see a booring stealth game like splinter cell essentials (for me is hard to compare to that mediocre game, but is the cruel reality).
4. OVERALL: i think is suficient information for this booring game, i buy it and now i ahve in my closet. What a waste of money, rent it before buy it (is a recomendation for fans and no fans players).
I make me a question, where are the good games for psp in this days???.
im considering to buy a DSI.