5.0 WTF Gamespot I am Glad the Game Stop Rep. Talked Me Into Getting This Game
Graphics 10/10
Graphics are stellar for it being on the Wii. Some of the characters become repetitive, but overall some of the best use of textures I have seen on the Wii.
Gameplay 8/10
Very addictive and just plain fun. The varieties of kills that can be performed are vast for a game of this nature. Right when you start to get bored a new method is used. Sword fighting in my opinion is the best in this game when compared to other games on the Wii. Not perfect, but challenging and fun to try to block. Use of the Wii controls are simple and work well. Simple to stay hidden and very rewarding to complete a level. A really neat feature of this game is that designers created levels where you are able to finish the levels in very small amounts of time...if you are good. One of the most satisfying feelings is charging an enemy head on and timing it just right to snap his neck. You can even perform double kills. However, you will find that although this is a possibility you probably end up taking 30 minutes on a 5 minute section at first. Another neat feature is that if you screw up you have a split second to recover by flicking your remote. The game allows room for error, but only very small amounts. A lot of thought went into the controls and gameplay of this game. I feel that the designers did an excellent job with the hardware they had to work with on the Wii.
AI 7/10
The AI has it flaws, but in what game is the AI perfect. Of course the AI is not going to be perfect. You wouldn't be able to have a stealth game if AI were actually smart. If you are looking for a realistic video game don't buy one that has an unrealistic story line like killing hundreds of people in the middle of the night without being noticed. The AI works well to allow a game like this to be fun and playable.
Storyline 10/10
This is where Tenchu shines. A great storyline with great voice acting. I found myself just playing the game to get to the next cut-scene. Reminded me of a serious Samurai Champloo.
Music 10/10
Very cool and unique. Classical with a hint of modern synthesizers.
Use of weapons could use improvement. For example, a throwing star can kill a hidden ninja, but if that ninja is walking that throwing star becomes like a paper airplane. Swords break and it is nearly impossible to kill low level enemies, but during boss fights you magically are able to get more hits and blocks in. A little unbelievable that the enemy can't see you at times, but again this is a stealth game and all stealth games are unbelievable. Repetitive enemies and the physics could use more work. Buildings and objects also at times become a little annoying trying to figure out what you can walk on or jump on which I feel is the largest problem. A little more freedom and ability to explore/interact with the environment would be a plus allowing for more variation on completing levels.
Final Thoughts
This is a great game to own for the Wii if you are looking for an addictive, violent, well written game. This game certainly has it flaws specifically environment interaction/freedom to move around, but for a stealth game on the Wii it delivers. I was pleasantly surprised and this game does not deserve a 5.0. I mean come on Lego Batman even got a 6.5 WTF. It was almost as if the reviewer had some previous hatred of the Wii and Tenchu.