Awesome stealth action game with cool graphics
Throughout the game, you fight a wide variety of enemies like dogs, soldiers, and "masters" I guess you could call them. You defeat these enemies using weapons like swords, arrows, ground spikes, bombs or mines, and deception tactics. I thought it was cool how you could throw poisonous rice balls and the guards would eat them and get sick. I also liked the decoy dummies, even though they made the game freeze a lot. I thought that the tools you used in this game were very interesting. and fun to use.
The graphics in this game are pretty good for a PS game. I especially like the blood that pours out of the guy's when you slash them with your samurai sword. The character models of the enemies aren't as well-detailed as Rickimaru and Ayame, but they still look fairly good. The levels also look good and they look historically accurate with a lot of Japanese features like paper walls.
I always admired how the difficulty of this game was so perfect. There were times where it was very hard, and also times when it was very easy. It was just so well-balanced that anyone could like the game and play it without frustration. The level of success in this game is widely based on the player's patience, because you must have some level of patience for a stealth action game. Take Splinter Cell or Hitman 2 for example. Imagine if you just ran out unplanned and started killing people with the ballers or the SC-20K. Then all the guards would come; you'd get some alarm stages, or you might "alert the don." Its a good thing I am patient, because there are a lot of enemies to fight in this game, and usually when there are too many, its just too hard to kill them all, especially when there are archers.
You really can't experience the full level of entertainment this game has to offer unless you use the debug mode. I'm not sure of the exact code, but look it up if you have this game. Pretty much what this cheat does is give you access to the game's underlying weapons menu. There, you can give yourself whatever weapons or items you want. If you do this, your screen could be full of icons, so don't give yourself too much stuff. You just have to try the unlimited arrows-- I think its called Yumi on the menu, because everything has a Japanese code name. You pretty much have to guess and check with the names. So, when you have the unlimited arrows equipped, go find a guard. Then look at him directly and press the action button as fast as you can. About 50 arrows shoot out of your body, and you will see each of these arrows sticking out of the guy until he is just a moving pile of arrows and blood. Its pretty funny to watch them flail around with blood spraying everywhere.
Tenchu Stealth Assassins is an amazing game with so many cool features to use. The storyline is pretty good, and I think it could easily be enjoyed by any Anime fan. If you have a Playstation, dust it off and go see if you can find this game in the bargain bin of Gamestop or EB games. If you find the game, you will see that it is worth your search.