Oh dear god...do not buy this!!

User Rating: 2.4 | Tenchu: Shinobi Taizen PSP
I love the Tenchu series, great style, form, gameplay but this title has ruined my beliefs!

I cannot complain about the graphics, the characters are quite sharp but that is the only thing worth looking at, the buildings are simple blocks with painted windows. The darkness of the game is the main reason this title will never take off. Your screen can only display the area 2 meters away from your flying, fighting super ninja! This makes it rather difficult as you can hardly see your enemy whilst trying to jump on their heads to perform a stealth kill, and instead you will be fighting a horde of enemies.
Graphics 4/10

The plot has nothing to do with the missions. You must go deliver a stick to the emperor but even though you work for him, you must still kill everyone of his guards!
Plot 3/10

The level editor is utterly useless. The design is fiddly, complicated and you end up placing a enemy whilst trying to put a building the right side up! As soon as you start the mission you will be in the middle of a fight and be trying to jump and grab a ledge with ninjas shouting "Im gonna get you!!". In stead of stealth killing, most of the time you will be in the middle of a high tension battle.
Gameplay 2/10

The sound is as pathetic as the graphics. The enemies will contiuously shout out "Im gonna get you" whilst chasing you down a pitch black alley which they magically seem to be able to see through. I had know idea that ninjas had built in night-vision. With the same music in each mission and the enemies new catchphrase the sound is terrible! "Heres Johnny!" would of been more frightening and could of added a comedy effect to this bland game!
Sound 3/10

Unless creating the worst levels in history is your thing, avoid this game or buy Wrath of Heaven for PS2. This should be kept away from game shops! Do not buy this game!! Save your money for something worth your time.