A really underated game.

User Rating: 7.7 | Tenchu San PS2
The graphics are ok but not great, the movement of the characters is as good as in Splinter Cell for example. Even though this game has something that makes you stick with it. Especially if you like ninjas and a japanese story line.

You get to choose between to characters, Rikimaru or Ayame. They have different weapons and get to play partially different assignments. Your missions is to defeat evil. On your way you get different equipment to help you. Before every mission you get to equip yourself but only with a limited number of items so choose wisely.

So, it´s a good game all in all. Somtimes it gets a little frustrating but it grows on you and it´s always fun to sneak around and assasinate your foes. If you like ninjas, sneaking and challanging games you ought to play this.