worth playing, has its ups and downs

User Rating: 7.5 | Tenchu Senran X360
i found tenchu z to be a good fun, when i was reading critic reviews they said it was the same exact thing as before, i think the game would be better if you haven't played any of its predosesors, The Combat in the game is somewhat solid yet lacking veriaty, doing stealth kills and such provide much more fun, the customizeation in the game is pritty good allowing you to change your hair face color ect. the online is fun if you can get online with all of your friends and work together but if you happen to stumble into a group of dumbasses your time might be better spent watching porn. The voice chat is mediocer at best and is best to use the chat rooms to talk to people. all in all tenchu z provides something fun and exiting for new people to the series.
post note, the ai with the guards is at times extremely dumb and down right retarded. and the "50" missions can sometimes be repetetive, there are people online alot, sorta but the game is jolly good (: