Be careful when thinking about buying this game!

User Rating: 3.7 | Tenchu Senran X360
First, off I rented this game from Gamefly. So I didn't have the luxury of using an instruction manual. All I had was a terrible training session that were vague in description and didn't care if you pulled the move off or not. Specifically, a continuous stealth kill. Without knowing the proper method to pull off such moves, made this game very less enjoyable. That's not the only move either. I will explain in the rest of my review. Gameplay (3/10) - The levels are really repetitive. You usually have to stealth kill numerous guards, which are usually put togther relatively close. Which means that if you have little patience, you might try a stealth kill and the other guards will spot you. Not only that, but I have a real problem with the crouching system. Your supposed to hold RB to crouch, but your player constantly comes out of crouch, even while you keep the button pressed. It's really frustrating. Especially when you have two more people to kill and your guy pops up and alerts your presense. Everything else is real herky-jerky too, including the swordplay. Also when when I purchased things like "Eyes 3" to improve my sight distance, it never seemed to change anything. I set the skill in the skill settings part of the shop, but I'd press the buttons and everything would look the same before the purchase of the skill. You'd think they would have made the skills more useful or easy to use

Graphics (6/10) - Some things look really good, like the people. Other things, like the environment are so-so. What really offsets the graphics is the blood effects and the cutscene animations. The blood animations you just have to see for yourself, they are just hard to describe. The cutscene animation lacks emotion, and sometime lack lip movement to go with the spoken words

Sound (7/10) - Title music gets pumped, but everything after that is really bland. Sound effects in the game seem ok , but words spoken sometimes don't match up with mouths speaking them. This is a weak category to rate anyway, because this sound is usally the last reason a person decides to play or purchase a game. Value (2/10) - If it wasn't for the herky-jerky controls, and repetitive gameplay, the score would have been much higher. With little to no rewards for completing a mission, you find little reason to continue playing. Especially, with weak cutscenes to help you understand the story. I did not really care what happened next.

Reviewer's Tilt (3/10) - After two hours of playing this game, I had enough. I've played it for maybe another 2-4 hours after reading some FAQs. It didn't help. This game is difficult to learn, and even harder to master. The terrible controls just make it that much worse. I really love these types of games, and was stoked about this game coming out. I was thoroughly disappointed.