Stealth kills, Ninja action, and repetition.

User Rating: 6.2 | Tenchu Senran X360
Now, I've always been a hardcore Tenchu fan. From Tenchu:Stealth Assassins to Wrath of Heaven. I rather enjoy the series, for those of you who seek the experience of sneaking up on someone and slashing them down this is a decent game for the job. In this title you don't get to play as the classic characters, Rikimaru and Ayame, and you don't get to see any of the classic villians such as Lord Mao, or everyone's favorite, OniKage. On the plus side the game isn't exactly ugly, the character models move smoothly, the graphics don't have many jagged edges or muddy textures. Character models move fluently and have a sense of life about them rather than moving like robots. The environments are pretty standard for fuedal Japan, you have your classic villages, battlefields, bars, ghettos and a Pagoda style castle. You get the satisfaction of killing people from the shadows. Situational stealth kills, grab and choke stealth kills and classic stealth kills. There is an abundance of items, clothing and abilities you can buy using money you earn from completing missions. Which gives you incentive to get higher ratings for more gold. The controls are very responsive (For me anyway) I was able to quickly menouver and the character seemed to flow with my playing style, making being very agile, very easy. I didn't run into any glitches within the game, and I was pleased with that.

On the down side. The game is VERY, very repetitive. You'll find yourself doing the same thing over, and over through stages that repeat themselves several times. Which is assassinating someone who's wronged Lord Goda somehow. Occasionally you'll run into a variable, such as collecting bombs, eliminating all enemies, and in one missions tracking Echigoya without being seen. The AI is absolutely awful, your enemies will see you but never really chase you making escaping nothing short of running around the nearest obstacle. There is a large lack of boss fights because you can kill most of the targets by stealth. There is a large variety of items, but you don't get very much use out of them being that all you need is your sword and a few select abilities if you tune your character correctly. The game felt very lazy, so much more could have been done stealth wise to make this game take stealth action to the next level. All in all if you love tenchu, this is another title for you to get your favorite old thrills out of. If you're new to the series you'll find this game hard to swallow. For those of you who are looking for gamerpoints the achievements (most of them anyway) are straight forward and easy to get so long as you have the patience to go through 50 missions on every difficulty.