Not bad,........

User Rating: 7.2 | Tenchu Senran X360
First off i want to say, I think all the reviews websites are giving Tenchu z are off. Don't get me wrong its not a 9 or 10, but also not a 4 or 5 (some sites as low as 2). The up side is the single player wil keep you busy, and the multiplayer is great fun ( I think). Get some friends together with Tenchu and play online its pretty cool. You can easily spend 20 plus hours on story mode alone trying to get ninja 5 on every level, which will give you 80% of your achievments. The down side is yah, there are 50 levels, but your basiclly doing the same things over, and over, and over. Sneak around and kill him, Sneak around and Recover this. The game is VERY repeitive,with minor changes and twists to each level. Ex: One level you'll have to kill some monk, 3 levels later you have to kill another person, and the level is the same except your AI's position and your starting point. Graphics are not up to par compared to many 360 titles, as well. Tenchu will keep you busy while you are waiting for your upcoming 2007 realease, so try it out. You'll be suprised how it will take up your time.