If you have ever wanted to be a ninja bad ass here is your shot.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tenchu Senran X360
This game is very underrated, to play this game like and action adventure like Zelda is a sigh that you have no idea how to judge games.
This game is meant for you to immerse yourself in you very on ninja character that you get to build from the ground up. You need to first get into the mind set of what this game is all about stealth action. The one complaint I see over and over again is the enemy AI is to stupid or has a short attention span, what are they suppose to do their not ninjas they cant just hop up and follow you around they are hired goons that are just that lazy strong and stupid, their suppose to be the muscle not the brains. Any way if you get into your roll as a ninja there is near endless fun to be had the verity in stealth kills is impressive, there is nothing like hanging on a ceiling and grabbing up and enemy hat pass under you to snatch them up and stab them through the heart and then leave the lifeless corps on the ground as if he had been killed by a unseen ghost. Graphics- Good not revolutionary but defiantly next gen quality building are well designed and filled with all manner of nick-knacks not to much variation in enemy models but thats not such a terrible thing . Sound- sound are done well sword clashing and swiping all sound realistic and are clear. The voice acting isn't anything to write home about and its all done in Japanese so its hard to tell if its good or not but it does its job well enough.

Gameplay- Its just plain fun as much fun as i have had in any other stealth action game. There is one difference there is allot more satisfaction in getting a kill in this game then in ones that involve guns and i think it the "intimate Violence " if i can borrow that phrase from the GOW guys there is more satisfaction in this game then in any other there is just a real sense of accomplishment when you have taken out 5 elite guards in a row and no ones the wiser. The amount o extras is very extensive , every thing from clothing to traps and other goodies that you can unleash on your unsuspecting foes (my personal fav the angry bee bomb its sooo much fun ).And the multi player while they should have increased the number of enemies in the level, it is still allot of fun to play with a buddie.

Overall this game is in one phrase "just plain fun" no other way to put it.