WAT IS THIS CRAP...................

User Rating: 1 | Tenchu Senran X360
I have been a Tenchu fan ever since tha second tenchu came out. since it i naver played tha first one. But this game is an insult to everybody who loves tenchu games. I waited so long for this game, even as to buy it as soon as it came out. At first i noticed a few clinks @ tha start bt quickly forgave it, but after 10 quick levels (mind you i was playing on hard) i noticed tha levels were getting repetetive. after that its just tha same routine in the same levels for 50 missions. special skills are pathetic, they hold no significant purpose to completing ur missions. they are absolutely USELESS......... I REPEAT USELESS.

Thats all am gonna say. i dont have enuff time to wrte all tha problems with this game. somebody give me the creators number or e-mail, i think i can give him/her some good ideas about the sequel.