This game satisfies my growing need for ninjas, and just as ninjas are awesome, so is this game.

User Rating: 9 | Tenchu Senran X360
Damn i love ninjas. Especially creating my own ninja. The game sports a surprising amount of customisation, and (SPOILER WARNING) at the end of the game you'll be able to get a Solid Snake-esque costume. First off, though, dont believe gamespot on this one. Sure, they almost always get their score right, but this just doesnt justify how awesome the game is. Tenchu Z is, without a doubt, the best ninja game I've played.

Awesome stealth kills, great customisation, not to mention the awesome ninja gadgets you can get (from vanishing powder to grenade-esque thingies) and some pretty awesome ninja-land settings. one of my favourites is a big mansion that you have to navigate (there's a trap door on the roof) to find this guy who your ninja must kill, because ninjas kill things all the time.

Considering being a ninja must be fun, the developers have some nice humour to go with the games visceral and thrilling takedowns (not combat, combat is mostly lame) which more often than not turns out to give players a little chuckle throughout the game (especially the hilarious combos you can come up with when awesoming-out your ninja's clothes).

The awesome takedowns, hiding in shadows, doing awesome things that ninjas do and generally just being a ninja is a pretty cool concept at the outset, and now THERE IS ACTUALLY A GAME OF IT ON THE 360 OMG gives this game a nice 9 out of 10

Stay tuned for more reviews people.