Tenchu Z...I can think of many ways to make this game better but, for now it's decent.

User Rating: 7.5 | Tenchu Senran X360
The tenchu series have been around for well over 10 years now, first appearing on the PS1 and making its way to the PS2 and Xbox. So after 3 years or since the last tenchu game (Talking as if I'm still in '07) it would seem only natural for the series to make its way to the newest gen systems.

So with what would appear at first glance as a "little" bit of elbow grease, we get Tenchu Z. The first online Tenchu game that offered not 2 but 4 player modes. And like any game it was hyped up, "will have this and that", you know the usual. For the most part it delivered what it said it would...technically. How it was executed was a completely different story.

Story: You find yourself playing as a nameless ninja (which you can customize) who is doing missions for Rikimaru; performing assassinations, retrieving info or items, talking to informants, and so on. The game boasts 50 missions; an impressive feat, but it falls short with those same mission designs being played over and over again. You'll watch a mediocre story unravel and stealth kill your way through mission after mission watching poorly constructed cut scenes that do little to immerse you into a rather lame story.

Graphics: Again, something you thought would be impressive but in the end it leads you to disappointment. I know this shouldn't be too big a concern but with all these other gorgeous titles out (Speaking like it's '07 again) there's no excuse for this level of lame textures and clipping. Recycled enemy types, levels get old after playing through the each 6 times throughout the game. Overall a bit lame in this department.

Gameplay/Playability: This is what shines (even it seems dull) for me. The stealth is entertaining; running along rooftops, diving from bush to bush, taunting enemies with poisonous foods, and all that good stuff. Where the game falls flat is in three parts; head-on combat, enemy AI, and technical issues.

When not seen, diving behind a goon and getting him in the back is extremely satisfying. The stealth killing and movement shines nicely.

Now when the enemy turns around, sees you, and draws their sword, the fail begins. The one on one combat becomes one-sided and it can fall well into the cheap category.

The only thing redeeming this are the items and special moves you can use to distract and disorient yourself back into the shadows.

Then with those two already conflicting, the issue of lag and technical deficiencies rears its gruesome face. Slow down on frame rate is one of the biggest issues, especially in multiplayer; 2 people works okay at best and when there is four, you can expect extreme slow down and choppiness.

Overall the single player works passably-so. but the multiplayer suffers from the lag. It mixes together a fun stealth system with oddly shoddy melee combat that has an entertaining amount of moves and gadgets to play with. An enjoyably fun/partial let down. Confusing? Yeah it's weird at first.

It's hard to determine whether or not this game is a diamond in the rough that just need to be appreciated or if there is too much rough. Either way I can say I owned this game for a while, earned achievements, had my share of laughs and cool looking ninjas. At this point the game is at least 20 dollars and is you're still skeptical because of this mixed bag review, rent it. If you can generally work through technical issues, this game isn't half bad.