The Time They put into making 50 missions shouldve been put into better gameplay and variety.
You dont Have to button mash, but the game never gives you the option to play stealthy, this may be because of the terrible AI. Why Hide on rooftops and kill all the gaurds when you can run right through the mentally retarded soldiers?
This game is at best So bad its funny, This game is torture, I cannot figure out how the developers could think this game has the slightest sense of entertainment. I guess the stealthy kills are pretty good, but guess what button your pressing to do so? The X button.
Do not rent this game, you are wasting your money.
I also cannot understand why this game is getting great reviews, they are either hardcore fans or messed up in the head, this is one of my most unserious reviews I have ever written, The thing is, dont touch this game.