Worse MMO out there now.
So what's wrong about that? I've played Lineage2 for many years and Aion for a couple of years. LOVED those games and had lots of fun playing them. The problem is the following: those chunks are now dead, rotten and smelly...
The graphics are really nice, it's what everyone says 1st about this game. The graphics are Aion, plain and simple. The same standard EVERYTHING, and the same ridiculous monster designs, made for 8 yr old kids. At least L2 had really great mob designs...
The game day-by-day is just the worst of Aion and L2. Grind-grind-grind-grind, or just do quests, which consists on going from here to there and skipping looooooooooooooooots of dialog boxes, while you wander aimlessly looking for the next target. Then farm dungeons until you know every single pixel inside them. Spam LFP for hours until you find that specific tank or healer. Get pissed off to that tank or healer because he's not just as pro as you'd wish, waste hours doing EXACTLY THE SAME STUFF. Unless, ofc, you get on a constant party and just say goodbye to real life for good.
Sorry, but I've been there. It was fun for a while, but that was like almost 10 years ago. Now we have alternatives. Now you can actually have fun until you reach level cap.
Now the high praised combat system. I can only speak for what I've played. Maybe it's better later on, but so far it's just standing in front of the mob and spam F1. And I've played with the weakest chars I could find. There's no way to die. For a moment I thought about pretending that it was an okay fight where I had to... do something, but it was ridiculous, so I went back to "stand & spam". How is that "fun"? It reminded me to Lineage 2 way too much for a game released in 2012. The combat couldn't be less agile, and more clunky. I don't understand why not copying Aion's combat system, it was much faster and felt much more natural and playable.
Oh, and that crosshair permanently in the middle of the screen.... seriously... it's so dead wrong that I won't event start talking about it, I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
The community: I know this is subjective, and maybe it was a coincidence, but in the hours I've been playing, I've seen religious flame, people trolling, QQing, etcetc, on global chat. It also reminded me of my times in L2 (mostly), and reminded me why I don't miss that part at all now. Also, the grindfest nature of this game makes it "botter friendly". And yeah, go put your hopes on Gameforge (rofl), or anyone to do anything (actually useful) about that.
To sum up. I can see what anyone's future would be in this game, and it's a very devious, tortuous, windy road. It was ok some years ago, when there was no alternative, but nowadays there are other options, made by devs who actually wanted to improve gamer's experience.
Tera is a mess. A mess with pretty visuals, but a mess. It would be a great game if the competence was Aion... but nowadays I can't find any other reason to play Tera than playing the same game you've played for 10 years, with updated graphics combat updates that go from pointless to annoying.