Typical Korean MMORPG with nice graphics and combat system

User Rating: 7 | TERA PC

-Great graphics with performance
-Innovative Combat System
-Challenging PVP and boss fights
-Different classes


-Crafting depended economy
-Mediocre lore and story
-Mediocre races and characters
-Mediocre voice acting and sounds

TERA is a game with great graphics, and despite that, great performance; which we have not seen this good in an MMO until now.

TERA has an innovative combat system, in which you still use action bars; but you have to actually move and move your cursor to the enemies you will fight or players you will heal and you have to dodge, block, roll in the right moments to evade the attacks. It requires personal skills.

TERA's boss fights remind me of classical boss fights we have seen in games such as Devil May Cry, MGS, God of War. Each boss has its own powers, you have to figure them out, and also you have to use your personal skills. Your highly enchanted good gears, and nice spells will not work if you cannot manage to evade or block attacks.

TERA's pvp is really good, since it has a good combat system; but even evading will not work against high leveled opponents, since they can two shot you, in an innovative combat system like TERA's, I would expect lot less ganking, and lot more individual skill dependency, but some players take hardworking more valuable then individual skills I guess.

Other than these positive elements, one of the things I hate most in an MMO is also present in this game. It is forcing players to play like the game wants you to play. SWTOR was the only after-WOW MMO I've played, which gives that freedom to players. Even WOW had failed to do so.
In TERA, u gain too few money from questing, also green items at max, which forces you to buy crafted items or craft. Some players including me hate crafting and don't want to waste time on it, but since you will need money to buy glyphs and items, you will have to craft.

One of the things I expect in recent MMOs is a good story and a good lore. Putting pandas everywhere, and also cute little girls, who look like 8 years old is not a good story, it is using cute elements to attract ppl to the game. It has a demon, who wants to take over the world, and a race trying to bring that demon to earth. Wow, so original (!)

And even a high elf can kill a high elf, there is no hostility between races, so that makes player killers psychopath killers, who have no gain but to kill, which is also a huge missing part in the story.

There is little voice acting,that doesn't match with the subtitles and the mouth of the character, who speaks, and speaking, fighting and failing sounds are so typical and mediocre that makes me want to quit.

This game might be very fun to play, and it is tbh. But don't forget this is an MMO and MMO needs a lore, story that makes u disappear in a beautiful world created, an MMO missing that part is nothing different than a F2P asian MMO despite its good combat system and graphics.