This learning computer just can't seem to learn.
The gameplay works, but it's so easy that it feels like a demo or minigame at times. The graphics are off and on, occasionally looking passable and sometimes looking like a blind druggie's daydream. The enemies are drawn from a broad range of Terminator lore, meaning that the'yre skinless Terminators with some different colors. Most of the time you'll be shooting these brain dead machines, but now and then an oppurtunity will come up to beat them down, Mortal Kombat style. Trust me, it is not worth playing those sections. But you're forced to. The cutscenes are cut and pasted between scenes from the movie and what looks like test footage from the game. No multiplayer either. The only redeeming quality to this piece of trash is the demo for T3:Redemption, which I spent more time playing than the actualy campaign mode. Please, please, please, do not play this if you like fun things.