Even thought by now you should not expect much from games based on movies, this game has set a new low.
User Rating: 3.5 | Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines PS2
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines was one favorite movies of 2003 and when I finally got arond to playing the game I was so disappointed that I could puke. The gameplay is just plain boring. The minimap in the corner of the screen is completely useless and is as if the developers forgot about it until shipping day. I don't even know where to begin with the graphics, at times I could have sworn that I was playing a Playstation 1 game. No detail whatsoever in the background and enemies. There is however some nice little details that make to gae somewhat worthwhile. Pressing the Select button will go into "Terminator Vision" which looks great and just like the movies, the third-person hand-to-hand combat levels are a nice change from the boring shooting, and it has many movie scenes. It also has a demo for Terminator 3: Redemption which, judging from the demo, is many time better then the Rise of the Machines. I would not recommend this game to anyone who not a huge fan of the movies and even if you are dont pay more then $10.