This game may be a game that the deepest fans would like and add to their terminator collection. but others will hate it
Good about this game: For the Terminator fans to Play and Add to A collection of terminator stuff. Good cutscene grapihcs. Cool weapons. Future levels are very cool. Has terminator 3 Redemption demo, Centipede *original arcade classic* And This Other atari game. I forgot the name.
Bad about the game: Ugly muddy graphics and textures. Music
Score Is not Good. You sometime cant tell were your going with The bad graphics/textures. Enemy's are weak. Game is way to easy. Way to Short, The games about 4-5 hours first time play through and 3 or even 2 if you go very fast. 21 chapter may seem like alot but its not. the longest mission was about 20-30 minutes only.
Graphics: Graphics and textures in this game are awful the
character designs looks terrible. The only credit i can give for the graphics are the cutscene graphics, they are animated good. and look pretty good. So i'll have to give the graphics 4/10 and out of 5 i give it 2/5
Gameplay: The gameplay's not bad...Its just the graphics make
it not that fun if you have a curtain tv the screen might go a bit dark when you play the game so it will almost be unplayable.
But shooting terminators is very fun but they are very weak unless you are on hard mode. So the gameplay gets a 6/10 and out of 5 3/5
Sound/music/voice acting: The future music is awful it sounds
like some techo music someone made on a computer.
But the present music is not bad its orchestra and some people may like it. The voice acting from people is very bad. like i mean bad. not awful but just bad i have heard worse but this is bad.
The sound is pretty bad overall because the explosions/music/voice acting all together sounds like a huge racket that you don't want to listen too.
Lasting appeal: Once you beat the game that's 5 hours long its over you can play the redemption demo and centipede but thats it. That is the game.
Overall: Rating is: lame/good/okay. The game gets a 6.5 Or a 7.0 somewhere between there.
I say if your the deepest terminator fan go buy it. if you dont like terminator stay away from the game.
I liked it.