the game had great moments. but overall way too short.
User Rating: 6.5 | Terminator Salvation PS3
the ist time i played terminator. i played by myself. took about 8 hours. the car scenes are the best bits. the spider things get very Annoying. every single fight u come too is with a spider. i bought the game for $40 au (about $15 us). the main reason i bought the game was it was cheap and had very easy GOLD trophies. the cover system is very good. the last level is fun. the guns respond well. if it had online it would of been great. story was way to simply. spoiler alert. the story is save a guy left behide enemy lines and have faith.
then i played co-op. my friend and i finish the whole game in under 4 and half hours. we were finished by LUNCH.
bottom line is terminator is not as good as killzone 2 and call of duty. but worth a rent if u want the very easy trophies.
ps. haze still rocks