You could play this game with your eyes closed and still b bored and extremely frustrated with this game
Graphics 2/10. The graphics were horrible it could of easily been seen as a PS2 game but the only thing that really stood out graphically was the players character model. It look good compared to the environment, explosions and non playable characters around you.
Gameplay 1/10. Um talk about repetitive. Same enemies throughout the game. The same strategy for each encounter. Hide behind object. Throw grenades/Pipe bombs at spiders and T-600's. Flank spyders if needed. Use the shotgun to take down the skynet flying assault bots. Thats it preety much. AI is dumb. It just stands there and shoots. Sometimes it'll just move back and forth from one spot to another. Team AI is the same if not worse. They just hide behind object and then just shoot.You can use that as an advantage with the spiders, just get the spiders attention then kite the spider so it turns and faces your team AI and they'll shoot it in the back.
Story 1/10. Well that wasn't really one. If there was i never picked up on it. I was to bored at the repetitiveness
Sound 2/10. Nothing like a shotgun sound. Other that nothing to exciting
Bugs. Theres heaps of graphical glitches, enemies bug out and stop shooting etc
Overall its a crap game. If u want to go through the pain with all the bugs and crap AI be my guest. But i guess its nice to get an easy platinum. Oh btw i played it on hard mode and finished it in 4hours tops