Terranigma is one of my favorites SNES games. Yet really unpopular it makes me sad that people took no notice to it.

User Rating: 9.6 | Tenchi Souzou SNES
I do find that the most powerfull touch to Terranigma is the inner story line that the Main Character is Involved in.

The story line starts with a boy called Ark that sets out In the biggest quest of any man. To rebuild the world. When at the town that ark lives everyone is angry for his great unresponsability. Then some boys challences Ark to open a secret and taboo door that the Wise elder that prohibited to open it.

Once ark did open the door by force the boys refused to take part of the acction afraid that the town would blame them, after that Ark without being afraid he has set him self to go in and discover his greatest mistake ever.

Ark finds a floating box named by many civilizations "the pandora box" but other than that, Ark inocently touches it and he enters in a unlimited dimension and meets the an ultimate creature. The last creature that earth would have ever.

When the creature explains what the boy has done and what the box can do he comes out and realizes that the whole people in town has turned into glass.

From there to so on the boy is forced to find a way to save the town by unlocking the power of five towers that are all set into A inner dimension inside earth. When he does unlock the power he does as well at the same time make appear the different continents of earth. wich include some like Europe, America and Asia.

If this sounds confusing Ark lives inside earth but does not know (or the mayor part of the town) that outside it there is an unbourned world ready to start to grow.

After Ark saves the town the Wise elder sets him off and makes him go into the out world and to help it to exist.

Ark after helping for Flora and Fauna to expand and grow helps for the human race to exist. Then after that is when the game enters in real twists of storyline and when Ark runs into time eternaly young age after age until he meets to the last age of time and human civilization.

This game is too good to be explained anymore by words. The graphics for the Snes era is very good and the sound is exelent. The game would have been better if it could be longer but it would have been really hard to do something about it in a cartige. The gameplay is not original but is very well made. Its hard to complain about. The value is maximum because you will hardly find a game that has such intense storyline.

For anyone that dosent have a SNES anymore or cant find the game they are many ways for it to be played, for example (it does not help the industry but it is a dead industry already and its worse for anyone not to see until the end of this game ever!) you can look and download an good emulator and the game around. Now if you do badly believe to suport the gaming industry then maybe wait for the Revolution and download with a small fee the game!

I do believe that the story line is soo good that it should be retold in a more matured way, expanded and fully in a book or a next generation game. Hell even the name of the game it self says everything. The enigma of earth. Terranigma. I think this game deserves way better.

When I write an review of such game so old it is not for nothing. But so for someone to read it and then realise when posible to try to play it or buy it. The more people the better because this game is more than a clasic. Its full beauty.