Bad...but in a fun way!
Fast load times (even for lower-end laptops)
Limited to No slowdown
Perfect game for laptops
(no 3d card or CD-Rom disk required to play after initial installation)
Decent techno soundtrack
Simple controls
Cheap buy (usually $5 in a bargain bin NEW)
Lame collision detection (think bumper car physics like in Gran Turismo except you can DRIVE THROUGH LAMPOSTS in certain levels
Bad graphics. The veichles all look like boxes with wheels (other games at this time for the PC didn't contain graphics like this unless it was a budget title.
Usually too easy for most racing fans
Not enough game modes
Overall, worth the purchase price of $5 new. Provides decent amount of entertainment for the investment. The ability to play it on 90% plus PC systems is also a plus (worked on a lousy high school computer!)
Check it out!