Well, i was ready to look past the horrible handling... and it was fine, until my saved game was "corrupt"!!

User Rating: 5 | Test Drive Unlimited 2 PC
The only reason i don't give this game a 1.0 score is because i don't want to review it just for it's technical issues...

For me, the environment graphics are very nice, but they take a toll on your graphics card and cause the FPS to struggle to get to 30...
Well, i just edited the graphics to about medium-high and it was kind of playable...

Then i started playing... For the first hour or so, the game looked REALLY great. The first car i bought was the Lancia Delta Integrale (which was the best of the 3 choices offered)... I struggled a bit to keep it on the road but i thought it might be the car's problem...
But then i continued playing...

As i went through the license schools (which is a nice addition), i tried a lot of different cars that made me realise something: My Lancia was probably one of the best handling cars in the ENTIRE game!!! AND IT STILL HAD ME FIGHTING WITH THE CONTROLS! What i noticed is that the A.I. is pretty easy to defeat, but the cars are hard to keep on the road! This wouldn't be so bad if i was playing a racing-sim, but this game was prommising to deliver a more arcade-y feeling to a player who wants to play it so...

It looked as if the developers tried to make TDU2 better than TDU by trying to build the physics and handling from scratch... But what they managed is to deliver an even WORSE driving experience...

About the cars that are in the game, i saw quite a few showrooms and there are a LOT of great (and moderate) cars in this game, which kept me playing through the driving difficulties...

As for the rest of the game choices: you have a lot of choices in houses and interior design, and a quite a few in hairstyle, clothing and looks. But this made it look as if the developers were trying to make the game work in too many fronts, and they forgot to deliver on the most important aspect: the driving!!! But, as i said i was ready to keep playing, and even though it has a lot of flaws, i was going to give this game an 8.0/10.0...

After about 5-6 hours of gameplay, after a LOT of nerve-racking crashes and challenges, i finished a time-challenge event (in the second C4-championship) and when it tried to save, it said "save failed". I thought: "no biggie, it will load from the previous save next time i run it"... But then i entered the game again and there i was:
"Loading FAILED, Save Game is Corrupt"

After that i had to RESTART the game from the beginning!!! I know that i should have taken precautions with a developer like this (and similar technical issues with TDU1). I know (now) that i should have made a copy of my saved game... But this could also be avoided in some other way:
If the game had let you make a save of your own, then i would make TWO every time i saved it (i always do). So i would reload the other one...
But, no... Appart from all the other flaws and issues, the game does not let you save your own game by yourself, which means that if you get a 'corrupt' save game, you are screwed!!!

I was really looking forward to this game, but having wasted so many hours struggling with the poor handling, and now having to play this ALL over again, i think a 5.0/10.0 is a very lenient score to give this piece of c***...